Challenging the Body with Kindness

Movement Kitchen offers women’s health focused 1:1 and small group coaching to help you break out of the physio-gym loop and get stronger for good. Lower-back and pelvic-floor-friendly approach to fitness.

Conventional exercise doesn’t work for everyone.

Some people’s bellies don’t respond well to sit-ups, straight leg lifts, yoga boats or Pilates hundreds. Some people throw their back out every time they go to the gym. Some people need to remember to wear a pad before going to any exercise class that includes skipping or jumping.

No, you are not broken. You just need a smarter, more effective way to exercise, tailored to you and your very body.

Wherever you are, we will work together to create an action plan with weekly milestones to help you get stronger, so you can

  • Go back to lifting weights, running or jumping on a trampoline
  • Return to competitive or recreational sports
  • Wear a crop top when when you feel like it or rock a swimming suit on the beach without having to self-consciously suck your belly in at all times.
  • Take up any fun and challenging class without the fear of being in pain afterwards.

Movement Kitchen is LGBTQ+ friendly. Every human is welcome, whatever their gender identity.

Coaching Waiting List

Where to find us


  • Isabelle de Grave

    After five sessions with Ivana I am moving better and breathing better. I feel better! I can feel my body's limits and its tensions. This means when I take a yoga or pilates class I know how to avoid pushing my body too far towards injury and strain. I have a deeper understanding of and respect for my body.

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  • Annika McSeveny

    Ivana has been so helpful in the process of regaining strength in the muscles my brain had forgotten and abandoned through years of habitual movements, and releasing those which were overworked. I am now much more aware of my body, the position and movement of my pelvis, and how much difference a small adjustment can make to how I feel.

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  • Solene Fabios

    Through challenging but accessible and well explained exercises I was able to understand different mechanics and healing in a new way. As much as a physical practice our time together was also incredibly educational and I have multiple take-aways I can apply in my life as I move forward.

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